\[ \newcommand{\mc}[1]{\mathcal{#1}} \newcommand{\mv}[1]{\boldsymbol{#1}}\newcommand{\mvinfty}{\boldsymbol{\infty}}\newcommand{\mvzero}{\boldsymbol{0}} \newcommand{\f}[1]{\mathfrak{#1}} \newcommand{\bb}[1]{\mathbb{#1}} \newcommand{\d}[1]{\mathrm{d}#1} \newcommand{\ddt}{\frac{\d{}}{\d{t}}} \newcommand{\pLp}[1]{\frac{\partial L}{\partial #1}} \newcommand{\bm}[1]{\begin{bmatrix}#1\end{bmatrix}} \newcommand{\lagrangian}{F=\ddt\pLp{\dot{q}}-\pLp{q}} \newcommand{\mxi}{\mv{\xi}} \newcommand{\aligned}[1]{\begin{aligned}#1\end{aligned}} \]

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L9: Lagrangian Dynamics

Hao Su

Spring, 2021

The flow and some contents are based on ECE5463 taught at Ohio State University by Prof. Wei Zhang


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Dynamics Example: Grasp

  • Consider the right grasp problem
    • Assume that we are grasping this box using two arms
    • We apply torques at each joint through the installed motors
    • These torques will be passed to the tips of the fingers.
    • ...
Q1: How to compute force at the tips from the torques at joints?
Q2: To keep the box static, what is the balance condition?

Dynamics Example: Grasp

Lagrangian vs. Newton-Euler Methods

Lagrangian Formulation
    • Energy-based method
    • Often used for study of dynamic properties and analysis of control methods
Newton-Euler Formulation
    • Balance of forces/torques
    • Often used for numerical solution of forward/inverse dynamics

Lagrangian Method

Generalized Coordinates and Forces

Generalized Coordinates and Forces

Lagrangian Function

The Principle of Stationary Action

  • Given a pair of time instants, \(t_1\) and \(t_2\)
  • What is the curve \(\mv{q}:[t_1, t_2]\to \cal{C}\) in the generalized coordinate space \(\cal{C}\)?
  • Action is defined to be a functional of \(\mv{q}(t)\): \[ S[\mv{q}]=\int_{t_1}^{t_2} L(q, \dot{q}) \d{t} =\int_{t_1}^{t_2} [T(\mv{q}, \dot{\mv{q}})-V(\mv{q})] \d{t} \]

The Principle of Stationary Action

  • The actual curve \(\mv{q}(t)\) is a stationary point of the \(S[\mv{q}]\): \[ \forall \mv{\delta}:[t_1, t_2]\to \cal{C},\quad \lim_{\epsilon\to 0}\frac{1}{\epsilon}(S[\mv{q}+\epsilon \mv{\delta}]-S [\mv{q}])=0 \tag{1} \]
  • Note: Treating $\mv{q}$ as a variable, and (1) is an extension of the first-order optimality condition that we use in calculus: \[ \nabla_{q}S[q]=0 \]
  • Using variational method, condition (1) becomes \[ \frac{\d{}}{\d{t}}\frac{\partial L}{\partial \dot{q}}-\frac{\partial L}{\partial q}=0 \]

A Simple Example

Euler-Lagrange Equation

Logic behind Concepts in Lagrangian Dynamics

graph TD q["q (gen. coordinate)"] v["q̇ (gen. velocity)"] m["m (gen. inertia)"] T["T (kinetic energy)"] f["F (gen. force)"] P[power] m-->T; q-->T; v-->T; T-->P; dt-->P; q-->v; dt-->v; v--dual-->f; P-->f;

Example: Inverted Pendulum

(describe using spatial frame)

Inverted Pendulum

  • Kinetic energy: $T=\frac{1}{2}m(\dot{\theta} l)^2$
  • Potential energy: $V=mgl \cos\theta$

A schematic drawing of the inverted pendulum. The rod is considered massless.

Generalized Coordinates and Force

  • The generalized coordinate of the system is $\theta$.
  • What is the generalized force?
  • Recall that the inner product of generalized force and generalized velocity is the input power, so we think from the perspective of power
  • Assume the coordinate of $m$ is $(x, y)$, so $P=f \frac{\d{x}}{\d{t}}$
  • If $F$ is a generalized force, then $F \dot{q} = F \frac{\d{\theta}}{\d{t}} = P=f\frac{\d{x}}{\d{t}}$
  • Therefore, $F=f\frac{\d{x}}{\d{\theta}}$
  • But $x=-l\sin\theta$, so $F=-fl\cos\theta$.

A schematic drawing of the inverted pendulum. The rod is considered massless.

Lagrangian Equation

\[ \begin{aligned} L&=T-V=\frac{1}{2}ml^2\dot{\theta}^2-mgl \cos\theta\\ F&=-fl\cos\theta \end{aligned} \]
  • Plug in $\lagrangian$, and we have \[ ml\ddot{\theta}=-f\cos\theta+mg\sin\theta \]
  • In Newton's system, the left is $ma$ and right is the total force tangential to $\vec l$.

A schematic drawing of the inverted pendulum. The rod is considered massless.

Example: Cart Pole

Cart Pole

  • Kinetic energy: $T=\frac{1}{2}M v_1^2+\frac{1}{2}m v_2^2$
  • Assume the joint position is $[x(t), 0]^T$, then
    • $v_1^2=\dot{x}^2$
    • $v_2^2=\left(\ddt{\left(x-\ell \sin \theta \right)}\right)^2+\left(\ddt{\left(\ell \cos \theta \right)}\right)^2$
  • Further computation shows that \[ T={\frac {1}{2}}\left(M+m\right){\dot {x}}^{2}-m\ell {\dot {x}}{\dot {\theta }}\cos \theta +{\frac {1}{2}}m\ell ^{2}{\dot {\theta }}^{2} \]
  • Potential energy: $V=mgl\cos\theta$

A schematic drawing of the inverted pendulum on a cart. The rod is considered massless.

Generalized Coordinates and Force

  • First of all, note that there is an external force $F$, and the joint is an Underactuated joint (i.e., no torque at the joint)
  • The generalized coordinates of the system are $q=[x,\theta]^T$, each should have a generalized force.
  • What are the generalized forces?
  • The input power is $P=f\frac{\d{x}}{\d{t}}$
  • Therefore, $[f, 0]^T$ is the generalized force dual to $[x,\theta]^T$

A schematic drawing of the inverted pendulum on a cart. The rod is considered massless.

Lagrangian Equation

\[ \aligned{ L&=T-V\\ &={\frac {1}{2}}\left(M+m\right){\dot {x}}^{2}-m\ell {\dot {x}}{\dot {\theta }}\cos \theta +{\frac {1}{2}}m\ell ^{2}{\dot {\theta }}^{2}-mgl\cos\theta\\ F&=[f,0]^T } \]
  • Plug in $\lagrangian$, and we have \[ (M+m)\ddot{x}-ml\cos\theta\ddot{\theta}+ml\sin\theta\dot{\theta}^2=f\\ l\ddot{\theta}-g\sin\theta-\ddot{x}\cos\theta=0 \]

A schematic drawing of the inverted pendulum on a cart. The rod is considered massless.

Example: Single-Object Dynamics


Prep: Derivative of Acceleration

Prep: Derivative of Acceleration

Body-Frame Lagrangian Derivation

Generalized Velocity and Force

Body-Frame Lagrangian Derivation

Body-Frame Lagrangian Derivation

\[ \ddt\pLp{\mv{\xi}^{b(t)}}=\mv{F}^{b(t)},\qquad \pLp{\mv{v}^{b(t)}}=m\mv{v}^{b(t)}, \qquad \pLp{\mv{\omega}^{b(t)}}=\mv{I}^b\mv{\omega}^{b(t)} \]

Spatial-Frame Lagrangian Derivation

Spatial-Frame Lagrangian Derivation

\[ \pLp{\mv{v}^{s(t)}}=m\mv{v}^{s(t)}, \qquad \pLp{\mv{\omega}^{s(t)}}=\mv{I}^b\mv{\omega}^{s(t)} \]

Example: Robot Arm

Robot Arm

Some Notations

For each link $i=1,\ldots,n$, $\cal{F}_i$ is attached to the center of mass of link $i$. All the following quantities are expressed in $\cal{F}_i$

Kinetic and Potential Energies

Lagrangian Equation

Lagrangian Equation